I recently succeeded in luring Michael Lung over to the house for a miniatures battle and discussion of Tékumel. If you haven’t heard of Michael, he is one of the Kings of Tékumel miniatures; he owns thousands of figures, brilliantly painted, many that he designed and sculpted himself. He also happens to be a fantastically nice guy.

I have dreamed of fighting a battle like the Battle of the Temple of Chánis with my own painted Tékumel miniatures since I first received Empire of the Petal Throne as a gift as a teenager. This past Saturday, 40+ years later, for the first time, I achieved that goal. At my age, the journey to fulfill a youthful dream is often a hazardous pilgrimage that detours into disappointment. The session with Michael, however, exceeded my high expectations. He crafted a balanced, exciting scenario. And he was a patient, fair-minded explainer of his home-brew rules, based on the Wargods of Aegyptus system, but fully injected with Tékumel content.

The scene:
After the death of Emperor Hirkáne, the Empire was torn apart by civil war. Prince Rereshqála, who controlled Jakálla and territory to the southeast, bided his time. However, the treacherous Salarvyáni forced Rereshqála’s hand. Valiant Rü fell to Salarvyáni feudal forces from Koylugá under the command of General Vreshsheqmuthe younger. The black-lacquered legions then routed a quickly-raised Tsolyáni territorial army defending Sokátis. Vreshsheqmu looked unstoppable as his forces boiled over the Ranánga and marched towards Thráya. If that city were to fall, mighty Jakálla itself would be in peril (and, in fact, upon hearing the news from Sokátis, many pusillanimous Jakállan aristocrats fled to their northern estates). Rereshqála had no choice but to defend Thráya in a battle that would determine the fate of the southern Empire. (In game terms, Vreshsheqmu is a skilled leader who enjoys +2 initiative over the lackluster Rereshqála.)

The two armies met on an open plain with one cobbled road bordered by a few ornamental trees. (In game terms, there were no obstacles to movement or line of sight in this first get-to-know- the-rules session. We simultaneously sketched our setups secretly on index cards.)
Soon the drums sounded and a score of the finest warriors were called by their respective Gods to fight as champions before the assembled hosts. The Gods have their own ways and majestic Karakán and Vimúhla did not smile on Tsolyánu, which lost a lopsided share of the battles and the honor attached thereto. (In game terms Michael’s Salarvyáni received another +1 to their initiative roll for a total of +3 at the beginning of each turn.)
During the champions’ battles the Hláka’s observations were matched with the reports of our spies to determine an order of battle:
3000 troopers of the Legion of Sérqu, Sword of the Empire, 14th Imperial Heavy Infantry
2400 Sérqu Archers in two formations of 1200 each
3000 fanatics of the Legion of the Lord of Red Devastation, 18th Imperial Medium Infantry
1000 Crossbows of the Legion of Lord Khariháya, 14th Imperial Crossbows
2000 Shen of the Legion of Gr-Ga the Egg Eater, 5th Imperial Shen Auxillaries
800 Hláka of the Legion of the Whistling Peaks, 4th Imperial Flying Light Squadron
2400 Heavy Infantry of the Nchesh of the Mace of Steel (Right Wing)
2400 Heavy Infantry of the Nchesh of the Mace of Steel (Left Wing)
1200 Archers of the Nchesh of the Mace of Steel
2000 Light Infantry of the Nchesh of the Mace of Steel
2000 Heavy Infantry of the Nchesh of the Unsheathed Blade
1200 Archers of the Nchesh of the Unsheathed Blade
1600 Shen of the Nchesh of Chra-Sse-kk
(In game terms, as Mike and I both noted, the field was loaded with high-morale heavy infantry; this is partly a result of the miniatures that we had on hand, which leaned toward high-value units, but we agreed to dial this down in our next battle.)

(“But wait,” you say, “there’s no company that makes Salarvyáni figures.” To which I reply, “you haven’t met Mike Lung, who makes his own figures.)

The horns screamed and both armies advanced to taste glory. Tsolyánu made a general advance, while Salarvyá advanced in the center and left, but refused on its right. Salarvyáni archers scored first blood, killing 100 Shen with a rain of arrows that darkened the sky.
Tsolyánu paused to reform its lines into broader formations while Salarvyá continued its advance in the center and right [Game note: the Wargods rules reward contact with as many figures as possible and provide no advantage for depth beyond two ranks, something we might adjust in a future match.]

Having reformed the lines, Tsolyánu advanced on the left. Tsolyáni archers killed two hundred light infantry, who then withdrew and played no further part in the battle. Meanwhile, the deadly bolts of Lord Khariháya took down 100 Shen and then another 100. Unfortunately, the Tsolyáni Hláka did not acquit themselves as well, quickly fleeing the field after a few casualties.

At this point, the Sérqu Infantry braced itself for a dual charge from the powerful Shen and the Mace of Steel heavy infantry The points of the set spears dripped with viscous Shen blood. At the same time the chanting fanatics of the Legion of Red Devastation charged their own opponent, quickly enveloping them and exacting many casualties, though the brave enemy refused to surrender. (Game note: The WarGods rules system allows for a “Set for Charge” order and I rolled luckily when the Shen attacked, so they took many more than average casualties. My fanatics were then lucky in their own charge though the other wing of the Mace of Steel did not fail a morale check even when down to 3 figures.
At this point the battle was set in the center and Tsolyáni right. The Shen on the Tsolyáni left had yet to engage the refused flank.

At last the Shen reached the enemy formation on the Tsolyáni left and Gr-ga’s tough troops began their attack. The Salarvyáni Shen and the Mace of Steel continued to grind the the heavy infantry in the Tsolyáni center immediately in front of the Tsolyáni command stand. All seemed determined to fight to their last. Would the Salarvyáni break through the center before their flanks collapsed? The fate of Thráya (and Jakálla) hung in the balance.

In the end, the Sérqu heavy infantry in the Tsolyáni center held barely, while the Salarvyáni right broke in the face of the implacable Shen. The Red Devastation fanatics annihilated their valiant opponents who refused to break. With both flanks defeated, the Salarvani then withdrew, but the Tsolyáni were too exhausted and battered to pursue. The battle was thus a tactical draw but a strategic victory as Thraya was saved.

(In game terms, most of the figures on both sides were elite with high morale. Despite high losses it was only after many turns that a formation, other than the Hláka, broke morale. In the center the Sérqu forces survived for so long only through a series of lucky morale rolls.
A great battle and a great gaming afternoon, the best I’ve had in a long time.)
(I apologize, I was so excited by the game that I didn’t stop to set up really good photos.)
Cool report! Are you going to create a campaign where your forces going forward will reflect the losses you suffer in each battle?
I am not sure. That might be some incentive to withdraw before taking such grievous casualties.
Thanks for the AAR. I’m sorry to have missed this battle but very much hope to be there for the next. Let me know in the meantime if you need any reinforcements.
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you for sharing the game experience. I’m sure that the two of you had an absolute blast. Something I’ve been dreaming of doing ever since my youth as well. Hope we’ll all get to see even more. The table and figures look Great. (And yes, after the appropriate Halaka actions, I’m curious to see how other ‘quality’ troops might game out.)
Just curious: did the rules allow you to use Tekumel military doctrine / formations / maneuvers? Please keep it up!
~ T
Awesome, Mike’s a great guy! Talented artist, great to game with. His Tekumel version of Rangers of Shadow Deep is so much fun!
Hoping we can also lure you for a game Steve.