Anyone who reads this blog knows I am a big fan of Howard Fielding’s Tékumel Club figures, which are well sculpted, well cast, and fairly priced. However, I am very excited that a new company, Ral Partha Legacy, has begun producing some of Ral Partha’s old Tekumel miniatures. Specifically, Ral Partha Legacy’s “Atlantean” range includes the Mu’ugalavyáni figures sculpted for Ral Partha by Tom Meier, including a sculpt that Ral Partha never put into production. In addition, Ral Partha Legacy’s “Insect” line includes the beautiful Ral Partha armored and unarmored Pe Choi figures, as well as an armored Ssu figure. Ral Partha Legacy also has a good selection of metal spears in the Tekumelyáni style.
My shipment of these figures recently arrived and I can confirm that they are beautifully cast, with crisp detail and no flash. Since Howard does not produce Mu’ugalavani, Pe Choi, or Ssu figures, the new lines are a great addition to the Tékumel universe. I urge everyone to check out Ral Partha Legacy.