I painted some Hláka scouts from Howard Fielding’s Tékumel Club. These figures are first rate sculpts. In 2355 A.S., the Tsolyani army had two legions of Hláka: the Legion of Aerial Joy, 4th Imperial Light Flying Squadron; and the Legion of the Whistling Peak, 9th Imperial Light Flying Squadron. With their medium blue belts, these figures could serve as either legion. The Army Book says the straps and belts are “light blue” for the Legion of Aerial Joy and “dark blue” for the Legion of the Whistling Peak and in any case Hláka do not wear much clothing or equipment that might distinguish them from each other.

I used Howard’s envoy figure as the commander of the unit.

The figures are armed with either firepots or javelins. Usually Howard (wisely) asks you to provide your own spears, but the standing Hláka do come with sculpted javelins. The occasional female warrior is light gray rather than leathery greyish brown.

Aside from the very rare undead Vorodla that might fight in a Sárku legion and the equally rare ancient aircar, Hláka are the only flying units on Tékumel. Useful as scouts, they are too skittish and lightly armed to be a decisive military force.
If you are interested in Tékumel, I strongly recommend you pick up some of these figures, which are still available. Howard, of course, also has flying Háka, which are even more exciting. I have some painted, but Covid-19 mail delays have held up the weights I need to base them properly. They’ll be in a future post.
The whole unit looks fierce. Well done.